
Civil projects and works


 Ctra. de Sabra a Maghnia, Argélia. Cartografía geológica y geotécnica para nuevo trazado de línea ferroviaria LGV de Tlencem a Akkid-Abbas (frontera marroquí).

Talud actual en la línea ferroviaria de Tlencem a Akkid-Abbas (frontera marroquí).
  • Obtaining permits, licenses, affected services, layout and access.
  • Monitoring and control of field campaigns.
  • Writing annexed geology, geotechnical and materials for linear projects.
  • Conducting geotechnical studies for structures and earthworks.
  • Slope stability studies and calculations of foundation.
  • Use of materials.
  • Technical assistance on site.
  • Compaction control of embankments by Panda2.
  • Site selection, associated geological risks, interaction with the water table, etc.
  • Photointerpretation
  • Geological and geotechnical mapping.